Saturday, October 25, 2008

How To De-Junk Your Life

Been listening to audio books and am finding out I love them so much, I've decided to start a website selling them. I joined an affiliate program to make a couple bucks from each sale. Since I'm in the process of sorting out all the stuff in my life and getting rid of all the clutter, the first review on: is from How to De-Junk Your Life Dawna Walters audio book.

This has helped me unearth space to languish in and what I find truly amazing is indeed, less IS more. Never understood this phrase. Now I do. By clearing away the old, unused stuff, it's made room in my life, for fresh new ideas to flood in. I hope you will take the challenge also.

Dawna refers to our struggles with "life laundry" and how important it is to start sorting it, cleaning it up to sell it in a yard sale, give it away or if it can not be recycled anymore, toss it! Personally, I like to post my unwanted items on to find a group near you. You never know, one man's junk is always another man's treasure. It is all given away for free on Freecycle, check it out and make someone's day. They'll love you for it.

Please tell me how this is going for you. I'll also keep you posted as to my progress as well. Happy de-cluttering!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Power of Yes - Just say Yes! by Deborah Coates

Did you know that when you decide to say yes to your dreams, without you knowing it, a supernatural, invisible force is activated within you? It is standing ready to help you achieve that which you have determined to do.

Try it once. Say yes to something you’ve always wanted to do. Take some action toward accomplishing it. Did you notice something change within you? Did you discover some doors miraculously became open for you? Did someone appear that could help you?

When you say yes to something, positive energy will begin to encircle you. Remain in a state of ‘yes I can’ for a time and see what happens. Did you gain energy? Remember you are not relying solely upon yourself, to make the thing come about. The Spirit within you is in agreement also. Your Spirit will help you, guide you and wants nothing more than to see you succeed. Trust in that which lies within you and watch what happens.

You may meet with Fear.

It shows up often times at the very moment you are about to take that all important step. Tell it to step aside and keep on moving. Watch how fast it disappears. Fear is a bandit. It wants to rob you of your dream. It masquerades in many forms and attempts to ambush you. The amazing thing about Fear is how quickly it vanishes once you go on ahead of it. Remember, Fear is false evidence APPEARING real. Each time you conquer Fear, you are reinforcing the positive force field around you. This is what strengthens you and propels you forward to the next step.

Your mind will trick you.

Its job is to keep you from feeling any discomfort. It doesn’t like change or anything unknown. Tell your mind, “thank you very much for sharing” and keep moving. That which is good for you, sometimes will require you to act in spite of any uneasiness you may be feel at the time. Like any unused muscle, enough practice and you will eventually become stronger in these areas. Remember, when you feel uncomfortable it means you are growing!

When to say no.

Say yes, when it leads you toward your dream. Say no, if it interferes with or deters you from your plans. Stay clear from people, places or things that don’t encourage you to succeed. Protect yourself. Find a place to be alone. Think and dissect your situation.

Practice saying yes. It will transform your life, strengthen your confidence and drive away fear. The secret is saying yes. Yes, to your dreams, yes, to your creative spirit, yes, to the possibilities! Practice speaking affirmations out loud, or writing them out, as often as you can, to reinforce your positive force field.

The following list of affirmations can be used or you can create more of your own:

· I am a success magnet
· I am successful
· I live my life the way I choose to
· I am filled with anticipation, as I make the choices that create my life
· I listen to my intuition before I make a decision
· I am passionate about my life
· I am fun to be with
· I focus on taking only one step forward at a time
· I have everything I need right now to step forward toward my dream
· I can accomplish anything I focus on
· I am free to be myself
· I am the pilot of my happiness
· I create my attitude
· I choose to create my life the way I want it to be
· I am a Princess (or Prince)
· My beauty radiates from within
· I am beautiful and others are attracted to me
· I make it happen
· My sense of humor is attractive
· I am a money magnet
· I always have more than enough money to meet my needs
· My bank account is growing more and more each day
· I am dependable
· I am the author of my life
· I accept the outcome of my actions
· I am loved
· I give excellent service
· I am happy
· I am crowned with success
· I am confident I will succeed
· I surpass my goals with flying colors
· I make progress everyday
· I strive toward my purpose in life
· I am harvesting the fruits of my labors
· I am victorious over obstacles
· I have the courage to weather any storm
· I am the captain of my ship
· I out-wit fear
· I accomplish everything I set out to do
· I achieve fulfillment in my performance
· I am blessed beyond measure
· I bloom where I am planted
· I am rich
· I am lovable
· I love myself (Look at yourself in the mirror every day and say out loud, while looking yourself straight in the eye say “I love you”)
· I respect myself
· I let go and forgive myself for all of the past unwise choices I have made
· I am confident in the presence of others
· I am here in this life to joyfully express myself
· I am ready to receive my inheritance
· I know God is the source of all my strength
· I make intelligent decisions toward creating my wealth
· I am filled with faith
· Everyday I am more successful
· I have plenty of time for everything
· I am happy to be alive
· Opportunities and advancement toward my goals come with each door that I open
· I am victorious in my pursuits
· I listen to my Masters voice within
· I am strong and determined to get where I want to go
· I am brave in the face of adversity
· I am clothed with a coat of armor to protect me from what others might say against me
· I encourage myself
· I encourage others
· I love helping others freely
· I am adventurous
· I have excellent character
· My integrity precedes me wherever I go
· My attitude is contagious
· I am a success
· Every good and perfect gift I receive is from God
· Everywhere I am I receive new insight
· I look forward to each day because of who I will meet to help me achieve what I want
· I am filled with peace
· When I walk into a room everyone notices my smile
· My self-confidence and optimism radiates from me everywhere I go
· I am content with where my life is going

Remember, whenever you are learning a new behavior, you need to be patient with yourself. Like anything else, when you are in training (and in this case you are training your sub-conscious mind) you need to repeat certain actions (until your conscious mind automatically recognizes them to be true and brings into reality that which it hears the subconscious mind telling it.)

As you state each affirmation, bring about the feeling associated with it. For example: feel the love around you when you state you are lovable; how good does it feel to see your bank account mount higher and higher everyday; what would it feel like to be happy. Linking the feeling to the affirmation will cement these truths to your sub-conscious mind.

A good suggestion toward visualization is to copy your bank statement each month and add zeroes to the end balance. Cut out pictures of everything your heart desires and paste them up like a story-board. When you focus on the exact picture of what you want, that’s when things really begin to vibrate in your favor.

Think of one thing you can do RIGHT NOW to make your dream come true. Every decision you make, builds, strengthens, and fortifies the stronghold that YOU CAN!
So, what is it you want to say yes to? If you said, yes to YOU and YOUR DREAMS, you answered correctly. Now GO FOR IT! Who makes it happen? Repeat after me, “I do! I make it happen”! I dare YOU to succeed.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Basic Steps to Map Your Mind by Deborah Coates

An easy and effective tool to help you solve personal problems at home or in the workplace is to create a map of your situation, idea, or project. By putting down on paper what the specific challenge is, you will open up an awareness you hadn't thought of before.

By making a map of a concept, idea, or plan, with a sense of the relationship among the objects of thought, you will discover helpful insights and prevent road blocks in your endeavors.

Conception of an idea is like the fertilization of an egg. The embryo continues to grows in time. As you begin to map out your thoughts, you will begin to see a root structure form, containing all the interrelated thoughts stemming from the core idea.

"There are two ways to which the mind may bring into explicit consciousness the meaning of a word. It may translate it into an equivalent combination of other words, so as to reconstruct it by successive syntheses of its conceptional constituents, or it may call up a mental picture of the object named. We may call one the verbal, and the other the intuitional, explication of a concept." G.F.Stout

Today, there are many software tools available to help you map your thoughts; however, the quickest way to resolve the task at hand is to get it on to a sheet of paper.

Please visit: to view over 500 different maps from the mind.

Get paper and markers.

Find paper, the larger the better. Lay it lengthwise. The white rolls of paper used for newsprint work great for large projects. Get colored pencils, neon felt-tip markers or crayons if you prefer.

Choose a format.

You can create a tree diagram, which places your initial idea at the botttom. All of your related thoughts to this idea will form the roots or off-shoots. A spidergram looks like a spider or it can look like a spider web. Your idea is the body of the spider and each leg represents the related thoughts to your core idea. You can use bubbles, clouds, stars, interlocking wheels, anything you want to use, to make your map.

Use images, symbols and color.

If an image comes to mind which is representative of your idea, draw it. Cut pictures out of a magazine if you want to. Have a symbol for the concept? Doodle it. Want it in color? Color it. Make it fun. Make it play time. Your initial map is to be done as a free-form exercise. Relax, enjoy it and as you progress you will see the big picture.

Write down your central idea, problem or project.

Place your key word, picture or symbol anywhere on the page, as long as you have enough room to branch out. You are recording a train of thought that will switch tracks as your intuition guides you during the process.

The more questions you ask, the better the end results.

By placing your ideas under a microscope and expanding on the Who, What, Where, When, How and Why's of your idea, the more you will glean in the process. What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to your idea?

Creating a map of your mind will help you in personal study, as well as, the workplace to brainstorm new projects. Begin right now. Go ahead – I Dare YOU to Succeed!

Monday, December 31, 2007

Master Plan For Success By Darryl Mobley

The success you are capable of won't happen unless you commit specific action, consistently. Super-Achievers understand and follow this simple guideline to success. They consistently take specific action to get a specific reaction, or reach a particular goal. They know precisely what they want out of life. Life's non-winners take little or no action in pursuit of a clearly defined and worthy goal.
If you believe in yourself, you will raise your self-concept and determine precisely what you want--you will achieve the Success you desire!
If, at present, you don't know what you want out of life and/or you are having trouble making progress in your life, I recommend you use the seven-step Master Plan technique to get going in the right direction. Then, you can "cast your net "on the right side."
Master Plan
Step 1 - Determine the Major Goal you desire in your life.
Step 2 - Develop an exact set of action steps (Strategies) that will take you to the Major Goal.
Step 3 - Put a specific time frame around attaining your Major Goal.
Step 4 - Since "Service to others is the price we pay for achieving our dreams," determine what service you will provide life or others in return for the attainment of your Major Goal.
Step 5 - Write your Major Goal and Strategies down. Review your Major Goal and Strategies: 1) in the evening prior to sleep; 2) in the morning prior to beginning work; and 3) at midday. Do this everyday.
Step 6 - Take Action by executing your action steps every day!
Step 7 - Share this Master Plan only with your A-Team --- people who support you and your dreams; not the negative naysayers.
This Master Plan technique will cause your life to take on a new glow! You will attract positive people, good fortune, and you will develop greater inner-strength. Your increased achievement will amaze you.
Meet Darryl Mobley--- For nearly 25 years, super-achievers have praised " Winner's Life & Business Coach" Darryl Mobley. You may know him as the founder and publisher of one of the nation's leading magazines. Darryl Mobley is brilliant when it comes to the strategies and action steps that lead to living a better life. Or, as he puts it, "How To Create A Life Worth Living. Darryl Mobley teaches people How To Create The Life Of Their Dreams - personally and professionally - with more happiness, more income, better relationships and more success. To find out more about Darryl Mobley, visit
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The Phoenix Effect - Benefiting From Our Failures By Brice Alvord

"The major difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure." - John Maxwell
Failure is one of life's great forces; it's driven far more innovation than talent, creativity, or necessity combined. Above all, its stories are much better. Take for example Thomas Edison. He failed nearly 1,000 times to invent an incandescent light bulb.
Failure is natural, normal, and is going to happen. Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. The only real failure is failing to learn from failure
We have been programmed to avoid failure. As a result, we try to avoid it, as much as possible. Even worse, we deny having failed and push on steadily against increasing odds just to show 'em they mean business.
Failure is the foundation of success, and the means by which it is achieved. The distance between success and failure is so tiny. 'Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.'
"I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game-winning shot... and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that's precisely why I succeed." - Michael Jordan
It's the failures we face in life, large and small -- and the way we face them -- that make us who we are and give us the opportunity to make ourselves better. How we fail is at least as important as how we succeed. Keeping that in mind, I offer the following thoughts about failure - based in part upon my own direct experiences with the subject:
Fail with class
When failure is imminent, cut your losses; don't deceive yourself into thinking everything's fine, or that you have to "see things through to the bitter end".
Don't pull others down with you; and that means, don't waste time pointing fingers. Take responsibility for your failure. accept responsibility for the mess you've made, and be responsible enough to clean it up.
Have an alternative plan
Having an alternative plan is critical to eventual success. No plan is failure-proof; embracing failure means accepting the risks you're taking and being prepared for the worst.
Review and move-on
Review the events that led up to the particular failure. Did you miss anything? What could you have done anything differently? Avoid blaming others, it is not productive. However, if you misplaced your trust in others, consider why you to put your trust in them to begin with.
Get a different point of view
Tell someone not closely tied to the situation what happened. Be clear and concise, tell it like it really was - no excuses. Find out what they would have done differently, and ask what advice they'd give you if you were just setting out on the effort..
Stop doing that!
TV Psychologist Dr. Phil says: "Insanity is when you do the same thing over and over, hoping for different results."
Once you've identified your mistakes, make an effort to avoid them in the future. I know this sounds like plain common sense, but like they say, common sense isn't common. Think of all the times you've seen someone go through an awful divorce only to take up with a new spouse with the same faults as the one they just dumped.
Do something!
Fail actively; don't give up and stand like a deer in the road, vacant-eyed, watching the headlights overtake you. The rudder on a super tanker is quite small in comparison to the rest of the ship, yet it controls the direction of the ship. The rudder is useless however if the ship is not moving. Without movement, it is merely potential waiting to happen.
Failure is the most important learning tool we humans have at our disposal. But if we merely accept failure and move on, we will not learn from the experience. Instead, accept your failures, derive from them every last morsel of information available. Ask yourself what you can take away from your failures, what you're being given by them.
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Alva Edison
If you look at all of the ultimate success stories, both personally and professionally, they all had to bounce back at one time or another. Some of the most spectacular successes in life have come from people who took risk and failed. Keep in mind; anybody who has had success has always had failures.

Beethoven's music teacher once told him that as a composer, he was hopeless.

Winston Churchill failed the 6th grade.

Walt Disney was fired by the editor of a newspaper because he, Disney, had "no good ideas".

When Thomas Edison was a boy his teacher told him he was too stupid to learn anything.

Einstein was four-years-old before he spoke. He spoke haltingly until nine years of age. He was advised to drop out of High School. And his teachers told him he would never amount to much.

Henry Ford's first two automobile businesses failed.

Babe Ruth struck out 1,330 times (but he also hit 714 home runs).

Abraham Lincoln failed 11 times in politics before being elected President of the United States.
"We pay a heavy price for our fear of failure. It is a powerful obstacle to growth. It assures the progressive narrowing of the personality and prevents exploration and experimentation. There is no learning without some difficulty and fumbling. If you want to keep on learning, you must keep on risking failure-all your life." - John W. Gardner
"A man may fail many times but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else." - J. Paul Getty
In the end, it is only by embracing failure that we achieve success. In many cases, not to fail is, in itself, a failure.
Brice Alvord has over thirty years experience as an internal and external performance improvement consultant. He holds a BA in Sociology/Psychology from Central Washington University and an MBA degree from City University of Seattle. He is the author of over two dozen books on continuous improvement and training.
For more information, visit our website at:
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Three Vital Qualities of Ultra-Successful People By Mohamed Tohami

I was in trouble and living my life in confusion, complexity, and chaos.
I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. More than anything else, I was looking for a meaningful life, searching for that ultimate satisfaction that would make me live every day with full passion for what I do. Yet every day I felt that I lost a part of my soul.
I kept falling in that downward spiral until I started reading about success and successful people. Only then did I discover three vital qualities that ultra-successful people have – and live by – that make all the difference. These qualities make those successful people move forward with lightning speed and reach levels of success that no one could have ever imagined.
I started applying these qualities and soon effected a complete life transformation – from an ordinary person to a success guru who is helping thousands of people worldwide to create everlasting success.
Now, you may be wondering what these qualities are. You may even think that it must be very hard to adapt them to your own life. But those three qualities are surprisingly simple, and yet extremely powerful. And they hold the key to success in any endeavor.
The first quality is CLARITY.
Successful people are clear about their purpose and what they want to achieve. They know their mission and they work every day to fulfill it. Their thoughts are clear and fresh. And their clarity of purpose brings them a peaceful mind and a passionate heart.
The second quality is SIMPLICITY.
Oh, I can't stress that one enough! Simplicity is the key to power. If you simplify everything – your life, work, needs, environment – you will be amazed at the sense of relief you feel. There is a reason behind that old saying “keep it simple, stupid!” Overcomplicating your life means you can’t think clearly. If you simplify, you will be an ultimately powerful person.
The third quality is FOCUS.
Successful people have laser-like focus. They guard their time and never allow anyone or anything to distract them. They go after their target with determination and their eyes on the prize. They don't get distracted and jump from one opportunity to another. They reach success one step at a time. They give their all to reaching their goal until they achieve it, and then they train their focus on the next goal.
As I often say, focus is what gets things done! True, huh?
To sum up, the reason successful people find their way to the top and achieve massive success is because of their depth and clarity of thought, their ability to simplify the complex, and their laser-like focus.
Adopt these qualities today and you will be armed with three vital qualities that will definitely accelerate your success.
C.S.F. your way to success!
Got it? ;)
Click Here Only If You Want to Stop Wandering Aimlessly Through Life, Lacking a Real Purpose
Mohamed Tohami (The Success 'Pharaoh') is the author and creator of "The Life Purpose Discovery System: Your Ultimate Guide To A Meaningful Life".
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The One Word That Will Change Your Life Forever By Dwayne Gilbert

There is one word in the English language that will change your life forever, and after you understand it and use it, your life will never be the same. This one word will allow you to have, do, and be anything and everything your heart desires.
In my years of experience listening to people and working with people and helping them to manifest and create the lives of their dreams, I have come across a few ways of speaking and thinking that have stopped many people from living the life of their dreams. I call these patterns the patterns of will or won't, do or don't, and understanding these patterns can help you have, do, and be anything you want.
These patterns are patterns that often stop people dead in their tracks. I am amazed and left in awe at people many times. I never could understand why people would want something, but give up on it before they get the opportunity to get it. Why people would deprive themselves of those things they want that would bring them happiness.
I have come to believe that the biggest problem for most people is one simple a word. A word that has the power to change lives in drastic ways. What is that one word you ask? Commitment.
That's right, the one word that has the power to change your life forever is commitment. Why is commitment such a powerful word? It's simple. Most people, and I'm talking about a very large majority of the population simply will not make a commitment to something until it's done and over with.
If there is something you want, truly want. Not a half hearted kind of want, but really want, you must make a complete and total commitment to it. This is what I call the will or won't, do or don't syndrome. There is no well maybe I will. You will or you won't, you do or you don't.
There is no such thing as I'll try. Here is an example. Try to stand up. Seriously, try to stand up right now. You can't try to stand up.
You can't, it is impossible to try to stand up unless you have medical problems with your legs or are tied to your chair. You either do or you don't, you either will or you won't. Life and what you want is really that simple.
You either will or you won't make the commitment to go through whatever it takes to get what you want. You either do or you don't do what you have to in order to live the life of your dreams and have, do, and be anything and everything you want.
Remember the word commitment. It has the power to give you anything and everything your heart desires. There is no such thing as try. You will or you won't, you either do or you don't.
So make a commitment right now. Make a commitment to those you love, to society, most importantly, to yourself to do what you have to do in order to have, do, and be everything you want and are capable of having, doing, and being. Say that you will, and you won't stop until you do.
Dwayne Gilbert is the founder of and the Wealthy Life Secrets Program. He has been helping people to Unleash Their Potential for over 10 years. He has helped people from all walks of life to get on a better path and to create the life of their dreams. To learn more about the law of attraction and how to create the life of your dreams, visit
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